別れの茶摘歌 / Wakare chatsumi no uta / A Tea-Picker's Song of Goodbye (1957)

Release date: July 2nd 1957 (first film), August 25th 1957 (second film)
Director: Ishirō Honda
Studio: Toho
Cast: Yoshio Kosugi, Chiyoko Shimakura, Chikage Ogi, Fumiko Honma, Takashi Ito, Tomonosuke Yamada, Rieko Sanjo, Michiko Tsuyama, Akihiko Hirata, Kunio Otsuka, Sen Wada, Hiroshi Koizumi (second film only), et al
Availability: No known streaming or home media release. Infrequent screenings.

Actually, no, I'm not done looking at obscure Ishirō Honda films, thanks for asking. Happy Honda-days.

Like A Rainbow Stays in My Heart, this is a duology, and this post will cover both films. The second one, subtitled The Woman I Called Big Sister [お姉さんと呼んだ人 / Onesan to yonda hito], was not released concurrently with the first but came out a over a month after it. So a theater-goer in 1957 could have seen A Tea-Picker's Song of Goodbye on July 2nd, gone to see both parts of A Rainbow Stays in My Heart a week later, but had to wait over a month for the second part of A Tea-Picker's Song of Goodbye to come out.

massive 3.3mb image for your delectation

From what I can gather, these are largely a vehicle for enka singer Chiyoko Shimakura, who plays the lead in the first film but not the second. Both films were shot simultaneously, but the second is more of a companion piece than a direct sequel, and follows a different character from the first film. A synopsis of both can be found on Kinenote, but really, there's not a ton to summarize, it doesn't seem terribly deep. Hirata is in both films, and plays the elder brother of the character who is present in the first film but becomes the protagonist in the second. All the information I can find about his character is that he has arranged a marriage for his sister and doesn't like that she wants to date somebody else instead. The lead actress in the second film, Chikage Ogi, was a Takarazuka actor for a while and later became a politician.

from part II

Shimakura also recorded a song for the soundtrack, which was released as a single on Columbia Records, with Kikue Hanamura and Masao Kato singing "Chakkiri Hayashi" as the B-side. This isn't currently for sale, but one sold online four years ago for ¥1400 (like $10). You can listen to it here.

Some links to further material:
  • This Chiyoko Shimakura fanblog has some images from the movie, but god knows how this person got those pictures since this has no official or unofficial release.
  • Sheet music for the above-mentioned song, if you want to pay ¥220 for it. (Less than $2.)
  • IMDb has some more images that look to me like photos of a television screen, which leads me to believe this has been aired on TV at some point.
  • More pictures from part I.
  • More pictures from part II.

わが胸に虹は消えず / Wagamune no niji wa kiezu / A Rainbow Stays in my Heart (1957)

Release date: July 9, 1957
Director: Ishirō Honda
Studio: Toho
Cast: Akira Takarada, Momoko Kōchi, Akemi Negishi, Ken Uehara, Mieko Takamine, Tatsuyoshi Ehara, Yoko Sugi, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Hisaya Itō, Akihiko Hirata, Shōichi "Solomon" Hirose et al
Availability: No internet streaming or physical media release. Infrequent screenings.

Today we're going to look at Ishirō Honda's A Rainbow Stays in My Heart duology. Because I said so.

image not mine - wish I owned this, but I don't

This is, depending on who you ask, either a two-part film or a film and its sequel, which are each under an hour long and were released to theaters on the same day. The cast is stacked, obviously: most of the Godzilla folks, King Ghidorah himself ("Solomon" Hirose), many other Toho regulars, and a Takamine - what more could one ask? (To actually be able to obtain this movie on home media, for one, but that's another story.)

The film's Wiki page states that it was based off of a popular NCB (Nippon Cultural Broadcasting) radio drama, and that the film/s were based on its original story by Takayuki Yamada and Seiichi Yashiro. Yamada would go on to work in jidaigeki television up until the 1990s, and Yashiro had an extensive background in writing for plays and dramas (and also had seven ribs removed, apparently). The story was adapted by Tokuhei Wakao, who I can't find much information about.

You can find a decent enough plot summary by searching this up on Kinenote. It's a melodrama: everybody is in love, various events keep them from being happy together, including many societal mores (this is Honda after all) such as one of the characters having been born from her mother's affair with another man. (Hirata plays a company president who is in love with the protagonist's sister.) The synopses that I've found specify that this is a melodrama centered around misunderstandings.

Some links to further materials:
  • Here are some nice behind-the-scenes photos of Honda on set. 
  • Toho Kingdom has a healthy selection of screenshots from both films (part 1)  (part 2). Prints of the film were obviously digitized at some point, otherwise those screenshots wouldn't have been able to be taken, but this movie has no online streaming or physical release, so I have no idea where those come from. It is possible that it was broadcast on digital TV at some point but I've found no record of it.
  • Here is a blog post (in Japanese) from someone who appears to have gotten a hard copy from "a collector friend" (deeply unfair; wish I had a "collector friend"). They colorized their screenshots for some reason.

The H-Man/Secret of the Telegian Kodansha Mook Scanlations

And here is the other mook. I will copy and paste the same information from the first post. I do love me some H-Man. 

Because I think it's important to be up-front about this kind of thing: I do understand a little Japanese, and I can read kana, but this is mostly a machine translation. However, I also want to emphasize that I am in there every step of the way, doing things like looking up unfamiliar idioms, using jisho.org to make sure the translation is appropriate, double-checking every actor's name so I know I'm reading them right, and other such supervision. This translation won't be at a professional level, but it's also not just a copy/paste job. Every word of this was written out by hand. I don't endorse machine translation on an industrial scale, and I urge you to support your local (and non-local) fansubbers and translators. They need work.

The images are obviously quite small, so I'd recommend doing something like saving them to your computer or opening them in a new tab on your device so you can zoom in. I also compiled notes. I highly advise you to read them as they provide light historical and contextual background as well as explanations for certain translation decisions (and one or two stupid comments).

Here is a table of contents in case there's anything you want to read first and foremost. Read these pages from right to left.

  • Pages 1-2: Overview
  • Pages 3-4: Introduction and development process of The H-Man
  • Pages 5-6: The "liquid humans"
  • Pages 7-8: More about the "liquid humans"
  • Pages 9-10: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 11-12: Cast of characters, part II
  • Pages 13-14: Plot overview, part I
  • Pages 15-16: Plot overview, part II
  • Pages 17-18: Makoto Satō/Tadao Nakamaru biographies
  • Pages 19-20: Introduction and development process of Secret of the Telegian
  • Pages 21-22: Sudo, the tele-transmitted human
  • Pages 23-24: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 25-26: Cast of characters, part II
  • Pages 27-28: Plot overview, part I
  • Pages 29-30: Plot overview, part II
  • Pages 31-32: Biography of Hiroshi Mukōyama and "I Watched Godzilla at the Cinema" column
  • Bonus: Toy ad
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Over in the real world, I host monthly screenings of tokusatsu films at my local library. For this month's screening, I put together four TV episodes featuring Hirata (my lineup was Operation: Mystery, Ultra Q, Rainbowman, Fireman). On my home projector I also had my own private screening of the Ultra '66 "Iwamoto Speedrun": episodes 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, and 39 back-to-back. There was cake. (Left over from my own birthday on the 13th, I’m not that weird.)

The Mysterians/Atragon Kodansha Mook Scanlations

It is that time of year again. Christmas? Pshaw, no. Akihiko Hirata's birthday.

Like last year, I got a hold of a Kodansha Godzilla & Toho tokusatsu mook, and fully scanned and translated it. Except this year, I got two! This one covers The Mysterians and Atragon, and the second is the very newly released The H-Man/Secret of the Telegian mook. I will queue that up to post in a few hours.

Because I think it's important to be up-front about this kind of thing: I do understand a little Japanese, and I can read kana, but this is mostly a machine translation. However, I also want to emphasize that I am in there every step of the way, doing things like looking up unfamiliar idioms, using jisho.org to make sure the translation is appropriate, double-checking every actor's name so I know I'm reading them right, and other such supervision. This translation won't be at a professional level, but it's also not just a copy/paste job. Every word of this was written out by hand. I don't endorse machine translation on an industrial scale, and I urge you to support your local (and non-local) fansubbers and translators. They need work.

The images are obviously quite small, so I'd recommend doing something like saving them to your computer or opening them in a new tab on your device so you can zoom in. I also compiled notes. I highly advise you to read them as they provide light historical and contextual background as well as explanations for certain translation decisions (and one or two stupid comments).

Here is a table of contents in case there's anything you want to read first and foremost. Read these pages from right to left.

  • Pages 1-2: Overview
  • Pages 3-4: Introduction and development process of The Mysterians
  • Pages 5-6: Moguera and the Mysterians
  • Pages 7-8: Weapons and vehicles, part I
  • Pages 9-10: Weapons and vehicles, part II
  • Pages 11-12: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 13-14: Cast of characters, part II, and overview of the plot
  • Pages 15-16: Plot overview, part II
  • Pages 17-18: Akihiko Hirata biography and "I Watched Godzilla at the Cinema" column
  • Pages 19-20: Introduction and development process of Atragon
  • Pages 21-22: The Gōten
  • Pages 23-24: Manda and the Mu Empire
  • Pages 25-26: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 27-28: Cast of characters, part II
  • Pages 29-30: Plot overview, part I
  • Pages 31-32: Plot overview, part II, and Shigeru Komatsuzaki biography 

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pages 30-31

...also, you know how Hirata's birth date was wrong on his IMDb page for lord knows how long? But then earlier this year, someone finally fixed it? That was me.

私刑 リンチ / Rinchi / Lynching (1949)

Release date: December 20, 1949
Director: Nobuo Nakagawa
Studio: Shintoho
Cast: Kanjūrō Arashi, Ranko Hanai, Yoshiko Kuga, Ryō Ikebe, Eitarō Shindō, Eijirō Tōno, Makoto Kobori, Tamae Kiyokawa
Availability: No physical media or streaming release. Now available on archive.org.

HUGE thanks to Pinball Novice for this one.

Before Akihiko Hirata became an actor, he worked part-time for Shintoho as an assistant director. This was something I knew about since I started this blog, but I was never able to find out which movies he worked on until, as I said in the post I made a few days ago, I unexpectedly stumbled upon two Shintoho films that he supposedly worked on. Both are incredibly obscure, but one had been digitized at some point. This is the film we're going to look at today. I'll first get into a little background on the film itself. 

Lynching was the first collaboration between Nobuo Nakagawa and Kanjūrō Arashi, one of Japan's early film stars, and was the fourth postwar work produced by Nakagawa. According to Ryō Ikebe, this film was the template for the yakuza films that Arashi would become prolific in later in his career. As of 1949, Shintoho's films were still being distributed through Toho, the company they had broken off from after the bitter labor dispute of the mid-1940s, but despite this, Shintoho attempted to release Lynching independently. Toho responded in classic Toho fashion and filed a provisional injunction, claiming they had financed production costs of Lynching and eight other films in advance; this injunction was granted, and Lynching was ultimately released by Toho. The film was based on a novel by Sunao Otsubo published the same year as its release.

Toho: "Nice movie you got there. Would be a shame if it didn't get released because it was tied up in a distribution rights dispute."

So what does an assistant director do?1 

In the past, an assistant director position was essentially an apprenticeship. It was not common at all for someone to become a full-time film director without having worked through the ranks (chief, second, third, fourth, etc) of assistant director positions beforehand. The relationship between ranks was complicated and each position came with its own responsibilities: second and third were generally much busier than chief, with duties that involved costume, makeup, and art/props; fourth was essentially an assistant position to third and was also usually the person in charge of the clapperboard as well as any animal handling necessary for the film. There are degrees even below fourth as well, but their duties seem to have been more nebulous. When film staff were largely contracted employees of a specific film company, rather than freelancers, only the chief and sometimes up to the second assistant director would receive credits on film.

Now, I don't have all the details on exactly what rank Hirata was when he was working as an assistant director at Shintoho.2 I don't know exactly what he was doing on set of Lynching, but from an interview where he speaks about the film, he does talk about working with Yoshiko Kuga, so he could potentially have been second assistant director, although I'm not sure if a part-timer would have that position. With no direct confirmation, though, he could have had a wide range of duties, such as handling props and writing staging descriptions, working with extras for crowd scenes, directing still photographs, or just assisting other ADs and holding the clapperboard. During production of Lynching he would have been not quite 22 and working under his real name (Onoda).

Good god I feel like I'm putting myself and everybody reading this through film school. Let's get on with it.

As assistant director one of the things Hirata may have been responsible for is setting up props in scenes like this one, and directing the extras to their places.

The film is set at the beginning of the Showa era (so after 1925). It is a yakuza movie centered around the Sugawara family (yes, Sugawara as in Bunta). The family takes care of an annual festival at Kongōji Temple, but Seikichi (Kanjūrō Arashi), a young member of the group, was given short shrift during preparations for this festival due to the jealousy of his older peers. The whole suburb - of which the Sugawara gang is a large component - is busy with the festival, doing things like making dolls, hauling heavy stuff around, etc. There's a horse.

If he were fourth AD it is entirely possible he also dealt with this horse.

Seikichi is also in love with a waitress named Okayo (Ranko Hanai). She wants him to leave the yakuza and run away with her, but he hesitates. Umewaka (Eijirō Tonō), an older member of the gang, offers Seikichi a deal: if he steals a golden Buddha statue that is important for the festival, he will be allowed to leave the gang with Okayo. Perhaps vulnerable to bribes and deals due to being in love and disillusioned with his fellow gang members, Seikichi takes it - but it's not what it seems. Umewaka (and another member, Hiō, played by Eitaro Shindo) just want him gone.

Ranko Hanai played the lead in the 1938 film Falling Blossoms, and would unfortunately die at the age of 42.

To cap off the tension created in the scene where Seikichi takes the deal, we see him chopping wood with an axe immediately afterward. This is one of a few one-off shots that feel very satisfying because the pure symbolism provides a quick break from the action in front of us. I also noted a shot of ripples in a pond while Seikichi is on the run later in the film. Nakagawa is an excellent director even in his non-kaidan works.

This foreshadows the following events: Seikichi knife-fights Umewaka in a well-choreographed scene on a bridge, soundtracked by rushing wind. The title of the film comes from the scene after this, where Seikichi is lynched by the rest of the Sugawara family who weren't in on the Buddha statue heist, trying to get information out of him about its whereabouts.

Seikichi is ultimately arrested for stealing the statue. He leaves behind Okayo, who at this point is pregnant with their child. Shogoro Sugawara (Makoto Komori), the boss of the gang, has a young son who has been hanging around - he will become important later.

Seikichi escapes prison, but it doesn't take long before his old family tries to kidnap him. He manages to escape and there's a struggle with a gun afterward in which Umewaka is killed and Seikichi is wounded, all while the police are in hot pursuit. Seikichi makes it just close enough to where Okayo is staying with their daughter to be able to hear her crying before he is again arrested, despite pleading with the cops.

Let me tell you, I was looking reeeeeeal close at the extras in this movie.

War has broken out by the time of his third escape attempt. He is imprisoned once more and put to work at a sewing machine, with fifteen years added to his sentence.

It is now 1945, and Nobuo Sugawara - the boy from before - is grown. This is Ryō Ikebe's role in the film. Ikebe is one of those people who is much older than he looks; in this film he is 31 playing a ~24-year-old. 

Seikichi's daughter Kuwako, also grown up now, is played by Yoshiko Kuga, all of 17 and already with three years' acting experience, singing her heart out solo. Nobuo looks after Okayo and Kuwako while Seikichi serves the last years of his sentence. 

Kuwako is a bit of a firebrand and sings in the black market in association with Sakurai Bussan, the gang formed after the dissolution of the Sugawara family. Nobuo, a demobbed soldier, is now a shoemaker. They have a budding romance, but the Sakurai Bussan dudes don't care for it. There's an excellent scene where Nobuo brawls with the gang while Kuwako plays with a pop gun in an arcade, unbothered. I'm gonna level with y'all: Kuga is the centerpiece of this film. She's fantastic. 

Seikichi, meanwhile, is released from prison. He is fraught with the anxiety of having been away from his wife and child for 18 years. He hasn't escaped the yakuza life, however: the boss of Sakurai Bussan is Hiō, the old boss of the Sugawara gang, and they know to wait for him as soon as he gets out of prison. They get him good and drunk to try to make him reveal the location of the golden Buddha. But Nobuo witnessed him being hustled into a car by the Sakurai gang, so he lets Okayo know what happened. Seikichi is too smart to get fooled again this time, though, and absconds in the middle of the night.

So. I remembered something about this movie. Or rather, I remembered something, but I didn't know that it was about this movie until now. 

In the Kinejun interview I translated, Hirata brings up holding a platform steady for Yoshiko Kuga to stand on, but since I hadn't seen this movie (and had previously only read that interview as a garbled translation), I didn't realize what he was talking about. So that means that in this scene right here...

Just out of frame is a 21-year-old Akihiko Onoda holding a wooden platform steady while the woman he would marry 12 years later stands on it to kiss her co-star.

And, I mean, not to be weird about it or anything, but oh my fucking god.

So anyway. The end of the film.

Seikichi escapes and runs into the shoe shop where Nobuo works and where Kuwako is staying. He doesn't recognize her and just begs her to be quiet and hide him while the gang is after him. After the coast is clear he reveals who he is to Kuwako, who runs to Okayo and tells her, the two of them both in disbelief. Nobuo asks Seikichi why he's on the run and he confesses the story of the stolen statue. This is all very emotional: 18 years in prison for basically not much; getting tricked into stealing a statue and killing someone in a situation that was hardly his fault where his own life was in danger. Nobuo gives Seikichi a dressing-down and convinces him to reveal the whereabouts of the statue to the police.

Hiō captures Seikichi and tries to lynch him again. Nobuo, meanwhile, goes to the police. A situation ensues which is essentially an inverted car chase: Seikichi seizes the wheel from one of the Sakura gang members while they're driving him off to who-knows-where, and now the gang members are all effectively at his mercy. But one of them has a little pistol and shoots Seikichi. Despite this, he yet lives, and leads the police to the location of the hidden statue. All charges are dropped and the film ends with him in a legitimate job and his family living a happy, normal life.

Headline about Sakurai Bussan's boss' unmasking and the end of the gang

I love movies so much.

This was good. A very solid piece of Japanese cinematic history. Techniques which would have been new at the time like dolly shots, cross-screen fades, and double exposures are all utilized here to great effect. Arashi is a charismatic lead who has some je n'ai sais quoi about him that makes him stand out from other silent-era actors, but Yoshiko Kuga steals the show. She's irrepressible in this. What a blessing to have this film, to be able to see movies like this one. I will burn it to a DVD and I already have multiple copies in various places, so I am now another link in the chain of people who are keeping this one preserved. Though, I do wish we had Youth Decameron, too - maybe someday.

1 I'm sourcing my information from Japanese Wikipedia to try to get a better picture of what the position entailed in the Japanese film industry specifically.

2 The assistant director who was credited on this film is Akira Hagiwara, who had been working since the 1930s across multiple film studios and eventually became a full-time director.

The Oddity That Is (or Oddities That Are) "Ankokugai" Export Dubs (and More!)

I was initially going to make this post solely about The Last Gunfight, but according to Stuart Galbraith's comprehensive Toho Studios S...