The Mysterians/Atragon Kodansha Mook Scanlations

It is that time of year again. Christmas? Pshaw, no. Akihiko Hirata's birthday.

Like last year, I got a hold of a Kodansha Godzilla & Toho tokusatsu mook, and fully scanned and translated it. Except this year, I got two! This one covers The Mysterians and Atragon, and the second is the very newly released The H-Man/Secret of the Telegian mook. I will queue that up to post in a few hours.

Because I think it's important to be up-front about this kind of thing: I do understand a little Japanese, and I can read kana, but this is mostly a machine translation. However, I also want to emphasize that I am in there every step of the way, doing things like looking up unfamiliar idioms, using to make sure the translation is appropriate, double-checking every actor's name so I know I'm reading them right, and other such supervision. This translation won't be at a professional level, but it's also not just a copy/paste job. Every word of this was written out by hand. I don't endorse machine translation on an industrial scale, and I urge you to support your local (and non-local) fansubbers and translators. They need work.

The images are obviously quite small, so I'd recommend doing something like saving them to your computer or opening them in a new tab on your device so you can zoom in. I also compiled notes. I highly advise you to read them as they provide light historical and contextual background as well as explanations for certain translation decisions (and one or two stupid comments).

Here is a table of contents in case there's anything you want to read first and foremost. Read these pages from right to left.

  • Pages 1-2: Overview
  • Pages 3-4: Introduction and development process of The Mysterians
  • Pages 5-6: Moguera and the Mysterians
  • Pages 7-8: Weapons and vehicles, part I
  • Pages 9-10: Weapons and vehicles, part II
  • Pages 11-12: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 13-14: Cast of characters, part II, and overview of the plot
  • Pages 15-16: Plot overview, part II
  • Pages 17-18: Akihiko Hirata biography and "I Watched Godzilla at the Cinema" column
  • Pages 19-20: Introduction and development process of Atragon
  • Pages 21-22: The Gōten
  • Pages 23-24: Manda and the Mu Empire
  • Pages 25-26: Cast of characters, part I
  • Pages 27-28: Cast of characters, part II
  • Pages 29-30: Plot overview, part I
  • Pages 31-32: Plot overview, part II, and Shigeru Komatsuzaki biography 

pages 1-2

pages 3-4

pages 5-6

pages 7-8

pages 9-10

pages 11-12

pages 13-14

pages 15-16

pages 17-18

pages 19-20

pages 21-22

pages 23-24

pages 25-26

pages 27-28

pages 29-30

pages 30-31

...also, you know how Hirata's birth date was wrong on his IMDb page for lord knows how long? But then earlier this year, someone finally fixed it? That was me.

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